Mentrida, Alonso de. Ritual para administrar los sanctos sacramentos sacado casi todo del Ritual romano. Manila, Philippines, 1630.
This text, whose title roughly translates to “Rituals for the Administration of the Sacred Sacraments of the Roman Ritual,” contains instructions and prayers involved in conducting religious sacraments. Published in 1630 in Manila by Augustinian priest Alonso de Mentrida, its purpose was for “the use of the ministers of his order in these Philippine islands.” Written in Spanish and Latin, the book is composed of rice paper and bound in contemporary vellum or animal skin. The title page displays the Augustinian coat of arms. The printer of Ritual para administrar los sanctos sacramentos was Tomas Pinpin.
The set of three leaves of paper displayed on top of the book contains handwritten Catholic prayers in Spanish left by the original owner of the book, whose identity and date of origin are unknown. The similarity in condition and material of the paper between the three leaves and the book itself suggest that they originated around the same time. It is possible that the notes were handwritten by Mentrida or Pinpin himself, but this mystery may never be solved for certain. (JM)